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Elodie Ruelleux-Dagorne portfolio photo
Elodie Ruelleux-Dagorne portfolio photo
Elodie Ruelleux-Dagorne portfolio photo
Elodie Ruelleux-Dagorne portfolio photo
Elodie Ruelleux-Dagorne portfolio photo
Elodie Ruelleux-Dagorne portfolio photo
Elodie Ruelleux-Dagorne portfolio photo
Elodie Ruelleux-Dagorne portfolio photo
Elodie Ruelleux-Dagorne portfolio photo

Elodie Ruelleux-Dagorne

Contact Elodie Ruelleux-Dagorne

Elodie, a typical Parisian: love my city to bits but also very happy to leave it, grab my backpack and go, often to unusual places like Svalbard or Vanuatu. 
Capturing moments and emotions is what I love about my job. For one whole day you immerse yourself into the most beautiful days of a couple's life and to be able to capture it is a privilege. I love getting to know people's stories and characters and would always aim at meeting up around a drink to discuss your forthcoming wedding (also because I'm biased to a glass of wine!) or do a skype call for people who are further: it's important that characters match as I will be the closest thing you will have to you on your special day - aughing together will make your pictures that bit nicer. 
I also spent years working in the music industry, which I think contributed to the fun and modern outlook I try and inject into your pictures. I'm also a massive traveler and aside from weddings shoot nature and wildlife, mainly in cold places where you can find northern lights or polar bears.

Where are you located? Do you charge a travel fee for weddings not in your location?

I am located in Paris, but always travel for weddings. You will need to add travel expenses to the usual fee, but trains in France can be pretty cheap if booked when first available!

How long have you been in business? How many weddings have you photographed as the main photographer?

Been in business for 5 years and looking forward to many more!

Describe your "style" of wedding photography.

I'm definitely more of a candid/fun/let's share this day together and get pictures that you will still love looking at in 30 years time type. I am not a super "put your finger on her chin and look at her lovingly" type photographer, obv we will do couple shoots but if you're looking for a super fragile/romantic type look, that's not me :)

What's the typical wedding coverage package that you offer? What is the price?

I have two packages: prep to cocktail or prep to party!

Do you have a studio where we can meet in-person?

I don't have a studio but live in the very cute area of Montmartre in Paris, so if you're around, let's go and get a little drink with the locals! and of course we have wifi too, so zoom/skype/whatsapp etc if not :)

What are your professional degrees, credentials, affiliations? Have you taken any recent educational workshops or classes?

I started out self taught but always looking to improve through workshops and education: I have therefore followed some tuition at Les Gobelins school in Paris (top 3 photography school in France), and then a workshop with the amazing Franck Boutonnet and Rocio Vega, another one with Eric René Penoy who is sooo good and also so far away from my own style that I wanted to see what I could get out of that. This year I also attended the Nine Dots Gathering in London, which was super cool and featured so many cool photographers: Sam Hurd, Neil Redfern, Ian Weldon, Yves Schepers etc etc Can't wait to attend the Fearless conferences too as soon as they can start again.

Is there anything else you'd like to share about yourself?

I travel half of the year to go shoot northern lights, polar bear, or more tropical places when I fancy a bit of sun, so do get in touch wherever you are, even just for a chat, I love to meet people!



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