Li Ke-Wan featured photo
Li Ke-Wan portfolio photo
Li Ke-Wan portfolio photo

全台唯一同時擁有 中華民國攝影丙級證照 與 SSE國際攝影乙級證照 的婚紗攝影工作室,國際攝影協會 ISPWP、WPJA、AG|WPJA、FEARLESS、AsiaWPA、MPA.、WPPI、TWIDA 認證攝影師為您提供專業 海內外美式婚紗與婚禮記錄!孕婦、全家福、親子寫真、閨蜜婚紗、旅行攝影。以微電影拍攝手法紀錄下您人生每一刻的感人時光。 
The premier luxury event, portrait and professional wedding photography studio in Taiwan. We live and breathe Taiwan photo sessions and are known far and wide for fun, award-winning photos you will love for a lifetime. Our studio provide wide range of professional Taiwan photography service such as elopement, wedding photojournalism, pre-wedding or engagement, honeymoon, travel, family and proposal photography. Based in Taiwan and available for destinations wedding around the world. Text me to know if you will be around my city, and drink a coffee together!

Where are you located? Do you charge a travel fee for weddings not in your location?

Located in Taiwan.

How long have you been in business? How many weddings have you photographed as the main photographer?

10 years.

Describe your "style" of wedding photography.

The natural, sincere, bright and fashion.

What's the typical wedding coverage package that you offer? What is the price?

$14000+ (NTD)

Do you have a studio where we can meet in-person?

We have a studio can meet in Taiwan Taichung. 
Line : downdog|微信(wechat) : DownDog|Whatsapp: +886986089199

What are your professional degrees, credentials, affiliations? Have you taken any recent educational workshops or classes?

【 攝影證照 】 
◎ 中華民國教育部部定講師 (講師證書字號第:103207 號)  
◎ 中華民國攝影丙級技術士證 (技術士證總編號:204-000341) 
◎ 中華民國攝影丙級技術士證書 (懸掛式證書編號:060001886)  
◎ 新北市政府職業訓練中心攝影丙級證照輔導班結訓證書 (北職訓字第:1033426011號)  
◎ SSE (Silicon Stone Education) Photography 國際攝影學科證照 (學科證號:00340220160303010001)  
◎ SSE (Silicon Stone Education) Skills test in Photography 國際攝影術科證照 (術科證號:00340220160303020001)  
◎ SSE (Silicon Stone Education) Computer Knowledge Today 國際證照 (證號:01270120170106010002)  
◎ SSE (Silicon Stone Education) Chromatics 國際證照 (證號:01340120170621010001)  
◎ SSE (Silicon Stone Education) Adobe Premiere CS6 國際證照 (證號:01340320170222010001) 
◎ SSE (Silicon Stone Education) Adobe Dreamweaver CS6 國際證照 (證號:00340220160512010001)  
◎ 台灣婚禮產業聯盟發展協會TWIDA(Taiwan Wedding Industry Development Association)認證公司(認證號:178)  
◎ 國際專業婚禮攝影師協會ISPWP(International Society of Professional Wedding Photographers)(認證號:NjQyMA)  
◎ 國際婚禮紀實攝影師協會WPJA (Wedding Photojournalist Association) 認證攝影師 (認證號:8460)  
◎ 國際藝術婚禮攝影師協會AG|WPJA (Artistic Guild of the WPJA) 認證攝影師 (認證號:6396)  
◎ 國際無畏婚禮攝影師協會FEARLESS (Fearless Photographers) 認證攝影師 (認證號:6988)  
◎ 國際婚禮及肖像攝影協會WPPI (Wedding and Portrait Photographers International)認證攝影師(認證號:12526)  
◎ 英國攝影大師協會MPA. (Master Photographers Association) 認證攝影師 (認證號:12526)  
◎ 亞洲婚禮攝影師協會AsiaWPA (Asia Wedding Photographers Association) 認證攝影師 (認證號:M22247)

Is there anything else you'd like to share about yourself?

【 攝影經歷 】 
◎ 萬丈光芒婚紗攝影攝影師 (免用統一發票編號:40586062) 
◎ 婚藝空間特約親子攝影師 (親子攝影師:李攝) 
◎ 鄧南光影像紀念館攝影師 (駐館攝影師:李攝) 
◎ 第一精品時尚婚紗攝影師 (寶寶攝影師:李攝) 
◎ 愛在雲端婚紗會館攝影師 (婚紗攝影師:李攝) 
◎ 浪人婚攝婚禮紀錄攝影師 (紀錄與紀實攝影師) 
◎ 愛拍照人像攝影網站幹部 (中區攝影進階幹部) 
◎ 敏惠醫護專科學校47週年暨校慶大會 (攝影師) 
◎ 中山醫學大學口腔醫學院 (紀錄與紀實攝影師) 
◎ 中山醫學大學50週年暨校慶活動 (紀錄攝影師) 
◎ 中山醫學大學99-100屆畢業典禮 (紀錄攝影師) 
【 授課經歷 】 
◎ 台灣婚禮產業聯盟發展協會教育輔導委員會委員 
◎ SSE(Silicon Stone Education)國際證照講師 
◎ 環球科技大學設計學院 (創意公共傳播設計系師) 
◎ 環球科技大學設計學院 (多媒體動畫設計系講師) 
◎ 敏惠醫護管理專科學校 (牙體技術科:專任講師) 
◎ 樹人醫護管理專科學校 (牙體技術科:產學講師) 
◎ 仁德醫護管理專科學校 (調理保健科:兼任講師) 
◎ 仁德醫護管理專科學校 (復 健 科:兼任講師) 
◎ 中山醫學大學口腔學院 (牙 醫 系:教學助理)



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