Photo by Andra Lesmana

Best 100 Fearless Awards of 2023

When I took this photo, my attention was drawn to the joyful expression of the children involved in the game. They were so excited while celebrating the moment of cutting the cake. I was captivated by the sound of the clackers produced by their hand movements, indicating extraordinary coordination and happiness.

The idea to use forced perspective with clackers emerged naturally as I observed the children playing. I was inspired to capture their moments of happiness and cheerfulness in a unique and creative way. I tried to conceptualize and execute this idea by carefully arranging the camera position and shooting angle, so that the clacker balls appeared like eyeballs in front of the child.

What makes this photo so special is its simplicity, capturing the essence of happiness and innocence of children. The moment has a universal appeal that can be felt by anyone who sees it.