2023 Fearless Awards Schedule

Here's the schedule of Fearless Awards for 2023:

Collection 70

Collection 71

Collection 72 & 73

Collection 74 & 75

Final Collections of 2023: Collection 76 & 77 - Entry Form is closed. Results will be announced around January 17, 2024.

"2023 Fearless Photographer of the Year" Competition


After Collection 77, a special competition will be held to determine the 2023 Fearless Photographer of the Year!

Only members who earned the highest number or second-highest number of Fearless Awards in 2023 are eligible to enter the competition for 2023 Fearless Photographers of the Year.

For example, if Photographer A and Photographer B each earned 15 Awards (highest number) and Photographer C earned 13 Awards (second-highest number) then all A, B, C are in the competition to be 2023 FPOY.

The competition will be a judging of the photographers' best wedding photos made in 2023. More details will be available before the competition.
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