Nos sentimos unos privilegiados por haber sido los escogidos para fotografiar los grandes momentos del día de tu boda. Nuestra obsesión es capturar situaciones únicas e irrepetibles, y sobre todo con la máxima naturalidad, para que en el futuro puedas disfrutarlos con la misma intensidad. Gracias por confiar en nosotros.
Where are you located? Do you charge a travel fee for weddings not in your location?
We are in La Coruña, Spain. Travel fee will charge.
How long have you been in business? How many weddings have you photographed as the main photographer?
I don't remember... hundred of weddings!!!
Describe your "style" of wedding photography.
Do you have a studio where we can meet in-person?
Yes, we have. We can meet at facetime, skype and others.