Francesca Codispoti

Contact Francesca Codispoti

I was born in Italy and moved to the UK aged 23 for what I thought would be a few months of work experience, after graduating in philosophy.  
17 years later, I am still in London!  
My fascination for photography started when I was a child and my father had a makeshift darkroom in our bathroom. Whether through journals, drawings, objects or photographs, I always loved documenting my life, and the lives of others.  
People often say that I just tell it how it is (which isn't always the best trait to have!) but it is my approach to life and work, and my photography reflects this. No poses, no fancy lighting, no prompts, just life as it is. There is so much beauty in the honesty of real life, especially in our world obsessed with filtered perfection and fakery.  
Photography aside, you will find me trying to keep up with my two boys, whilst working as a management consultant.

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