Erica Hawkins

Contact Erica Hawkins

Family photography isn't just about capturing one stand out image of everyone smiling at the camera. If you let it, It can be so much more than that. Documentary photography can evoke emotions and preserve memories of more than just how you looked, but also how you felt in that moment. 
Shooting families in this style allows me to capture the dynamics of your family, the connections and the characters. To me there is nothing more precious than my family, and I want my children to remember all the elements that made us us. 
Hello, I am Erica, an award winning documentary family and wedding photographer. I believer there is beauty within everyday life and I don't think good photography should be reserved for those rare special occasions.  
Documentary photography is an investment, and every year that those photos age, they will grow in value, and one day our kids, who will be grown up, will be able to look upon these photos and feel the love, chaos and life they once lived.

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